Anyhow, fortunately, Lafferty's last blood test showed his liver enzymes are going down, which is good. It could be partly because of his inflammatory bowel disease too - the reason for which he was released from Guide Dogs. He seems to be acting perfectly normal - his usual VERY mellow, happy go lucky self. All the more reason for me to get him enrolled in the READ program at the library. Now that he is a certified therapy dog, this is my next step. Hopefully, once the kids are back in school, we will have more time to do volunteer work as a therapy dog team. It has always been my wish to share Lafferty with others and "show him off" a little too. LOL!! He eats up all the attention. He really does like to be a part of everyone's everything!!
Here is a LO I did about me and Lafferty once we passed our therapy dog team test. To read more about therapy dogs and other therapy animals go here.