Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Mail Day

I love getting mail, especially when it includes "BOXES" of goodies for me!!! Here's a peek at what I got the other day - a box of goodies for me from Paper Trends!! My mini album is in the Feb/Mar issue. I cannot tell you how anxious I was for my kids to come home from school so I could show them their pics in the magazine. I think I was more excited about that than I was about getting published!! LOL!! My son's response was precious!! Upon seeing his picture in the magazine, he said - "I'M A ROCKSTAR!!" Now, I am not sure exactly what he meant by that, but I will take it to mean he thought it was pretty cool. I think it's pretty cool too!!


Valerie Chmielak said...

WOW!! VERY COOL!!! Congrats on getting published!

Tracy Lathrop said...

I am so proud of you Girl!! This is just the awesomest thing in the whole world!! I definitely think Zach is a "Rock Star" with having his mug in the mags now!! Lol!! Gotta love it!

marcibun said...

Very awesome! Congrats - bring that with you to the next DT meeting so we can all see! :)

Carla said...

WHOOO HOOOO congrats..........that is awesome.