Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday is My Fun Day

Well sort of. Kind of a rainy, lazy Sunday. Went to a crop yesterday at Archivers with my bf Tracy and we had a blast - had been a long time since we got together to cause some trouble. Got home pretty late and as usual could not go right to sleep. After a beer and some scrap gallery cruising, was able to hit the pillow, but still feeling a little groggy today.

Spending a good chunk of my day on the PC figuring out the "LOOK" for my blog - thanks Tracy btw, for the tips. I am soooo clueless regarding this stuff. Just when I think I am getting hip and can program my IPOD, then this Blog thing comes up!! I told my DH I had a blog now, and he told me, "there is surgery to fix that". ARGHH - that "funny" man.

Off to figure out my header. See, this stuff is soooo boring, who would want to read it!!

1 comment:

Tracy Lathrop said...

Ok, the blog looks awesome now you are gonna have to help me since it looks to me like you have figured out all the stuff that I haven't been able to yet!! HELP!!